24 CFR Subpart F - Subpart F—Recipient Monitoring, Oversight and Accountability
- § 1000.501 Who is involved in monitoring activities under NAHASDA?
- § 1000.502 What are the monitoring responsibilities of the recipient, the grant beneficiary and HUD under NAHASDA?
- § 1000.503 What is an appropriate extent of HUD monitoring?
- § 1000.506 If the TDHE is the recipient, must it submit its monitoring evaluation/results to the Indian tribe?
- § 1000.508 If the recipient monitoring identifies programmatic concerns, what happens?
- § 1000.510 What happens if tribal monitoring identifies compliance concerns?
- § 1000.512 Are performance reports required?
- § 1000.514 When must the annual performance report be submitted?
- § 1000.516 What reporting period is covered by the annual performance report?
- § 1000.518 When must a recipient obtain public comment on its annual performance report?
- § 1000.520 What are the purposes of HUD's review of the Annual Performance Report?
- § 1000.521 After the receipt of the recipient's performance report, how long does HUD have to make recommendations under section 404(c) of NAHASDA?
- § 1000.522 How will HUD give notice of on-site reviews?
- § 1000.524 What are HUD's performance measures for the review?
- § 1000.526 What information will HUD use for its review?
- § 1000.528 What are the procedures for the recipient to comment on the result of HUD's review when HUD issues a report under section 405(b) of NAHASDA?
- § 1000.530 What corrective and remedial actions will HUD request or recommend to address performance problems prior to taking action under § 1000.532?
- § 1000.532 What are the remedial actions that HUD may take in the event of recipient's substantial noncompliance?
- § 1000.534 What constitutes substantial noncompliance?
- § 1000.536 What happens to NAHASDA grant funds adjusted, reduced, withdrawn, or terminated under § 1000.532?
- § 1000.540 What hearing procedures will be used under NAHASDA?
- § 1000.542 When may HUD require replacement of a recipient?
- § 1000.544 What audits are required?
- § 1000.546 Are audit costs eligible program or administrative expenses?
- § 1000.548 Must a copy of the recipient's audit pursuant to the Single Audit Act relating to NAHASDA activities be submitted to HUD?
- § 1000.550 If the TDHE is the recipient, does it have to submit a copy of its audit to the Indian tribe?
- § 1000.552 How long must the recipient maintain program records?
- § 1000.554 Which agencies have right of access to the recipient's records relating to activities carried out under NAHASDA?
- § 1000.556 Does the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) apply to recipient records?
- § 1000.558 Does the Federal Privacy Act apply to recipient records?