27 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Administrative and Miscellaneous Provisions

  1. Facilities and Assistance (§§ 24.40 - 24.41)
    1. § 24.40 Gauging and measuring.
    2. § 24.41 Office facilities.
  2. Employer Identification Number (§§ 24.45 - 24.47)
    1. § 24.45 Use on returns.
    2. § 24.46 Application.
    3. § 24.47 Execution of IRS Form SS-4.
  3. Dealer Registration and Recordkeeping (§§ 24.50 - 24.54)
    1. § 24.50 [Reserved]
    2. § 24.51 Definitions.
    3. § 24.52 Dealer registration.
    4. § 24.53 Amending the dealer registration.
    5. § 24.54 Dealer records.