1. § 62-330.010 - Purpose and Implementation
  2. § 62-330.020 - Regulated Activities
  3. § 62-330.021 - Definitions
  4. § 62-330.050 - Procedures for Review and Agency Action on Exemption Requests
  5. § 62-330.051 - Exempt Activities
  6. § 62-330.0511 - No-fee Noticed Exemptions for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Minor Silvicultural Surface Water Management Systems
  7. § 62-330.052 - General Permits - General
  8. § 62-330.054 - Individual Permits
  9. § 62-330.055 - Conceptual Approval Permits for Urban Infill or Redevelopment
  10. § 62-330.056 - Other Conceptual Approval Permits
  11. § 62-330.060 - Content of Applications for Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits
  12. § 62-330.061 - Submittal of Applications and Notices to Agency Offices (Repealed)
  13. § 62-330.062 - Water Quality Certification and Costal Zone Consistency Concurrence
  14. § 62-330.071 - Fees
  15. § 62-330.075 - Additional Requirements and Procedures for Concurrent Review of Related Applications
  16. § 62-330.090 - Processing of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permit Applications
  17. § 62-330.100 - Purpose and Intent (Repealed)
  18. § 62-330.200 - Rules Adopted by Reference (Repealed)
  19. § 62-330.201 - Determinations of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Other Surface Waters
  20. § 62-330.301 - Conditions for Issuance of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits
  21. § 62-330.302 - Additional Conditions for Issuance of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits
  22. § 62-330.310 - Operation and Maintenance
  23. § 62-330.311 - Inspections and Reporting
  24. § 62-330.315 - Modification of Permits
  25. § 62-330.320 - Duration of Permits
  26. § 62-330.340 - Transfer of Permit Upon Change in Ownership or Control
  27. § 62-330.350 - General Conditions for Individual Permits
  28. § 62-330.351 - General Conditions for Conceptual Approval Permits
  29. § 62-330.360 - Emergency Authorizations and Actions
  30. § 62-330.395 - Variances
  31. § 62-330.401 - Policy and Purpose
  32. § 62-330.402 - Submittal and Processing of General Permits
  33. § 62-330.405 - General Conditions for All General Permits
  34. § 62-330.407 - General Permit for Geotechnical Investigations in Wetlands or Other Surface Waters (Repealed)
  35. § 62-330.410 - General Permit for Dredging by the West Coast Inland Navigation District in Sarasota and Manatee Counties
  36. § 62-330.411 - General Permit for Public Navigation Channel and Canal Infrastructure by the West Coast Inland Navigation District within Charlotte County
  37. § 62-330.412 - General Permit for Public Navigation Channel and Canal Infrastructure by the West Coast Inland Navigation District within Lee County
  38. § 62-330.417 - General Permit for Construction, Alteration, Operation, and Maintenance of Boat Ramp Facilities
  39. § 62-330.420 - General Permit to Local Governments for Public Mooring Fields
  40. § 62-330.427 - General Permit for Docks, Piers and Associated Structures
  41. § 62-330.428 - General Permit for Floating Vessel Platforms and Floating Boat Lifts
  42. § 62-330.431 - General Permit for Installation of Riprap
  43. § 62-330.437 - General Permit for the Installation of Fences
  44. § 62-330.439 - General Permit for the Construction or Maintenance of Culverted Driveway or Roadway Crossings, and Bridges of Artificial Waterways
  45. § 62-330.441 - Noticed General Permit for Public Navigation Channel and Canal Infrastructure by the West Coast Inland Navigation District within Lee County (Transferred)
  46. § 62-330.443 - General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties and Municipalities for Minor Bridge Alteration, Placement, Replacement, Removal, Maintenance, and Operation
  47. § 62-330.447 - General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties, and Municipalities for Minor Activities Within Existing Rights-of-Way or Easements
  48. § 62-330.448 - General Permit to Counties and Municipalities to Pave Existing County or Municipally Owned and Maintained Roads, including the Repair and Replacement of Bridges that are Part of the Roadway (Repealed)
  49. § 62-330.449 - General Permit for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Airport Airside Stormwater Management Systems
  50. § 62-330.450 - General Permit for Construction, Alteration, and Operation of Urban Infill and Redevelopment Activities in Conformance with the Conceptual Approval Permit in Rule 62-330.055, F.A.C
  51. § 62-330.451 - General Permit to Counties, Municipalities, and other Agencies to Conduct Stormwater Retrofit Activities
  52. § 62-330.453 - General Permit for Installation, Maintenance, Repair, and Removal of Underground Utility Lines
  53. § 62-330.455 - General Permit for the Construction of Aerial Pipeline, Cable, and Conduit Crossings of Certain Waters
  54. § 62-330.457 - General Permit for Subaqueous Utility Crossings of Artificial Waterways
  55. § 62-330.458 - General Permit for the Construction and Maintenance of Electric Power Lines by Electric Utilities
  56. § 62-330.459 - General Permit for Relocation of Aerial Electric and Communication Lines Associated with Road Improvement Projects
  57. § 62-330.463 - General Permit for Breaching Mosquito Control Impoundments and for the Construction and Operation of Culverts and Associated Water Control Structures in Mosquito Control Impoundments by Governmental Mosquito Control Agencies
  58. § 62-330.467 - General Permit for Breaching Mosquito Control Impoundments by Governmental Mosquito Control Agencies (Repealed)
  59. § 62-330.474 - General Permit for Certain Minor Activities
  60. § 62-330.475 - General Permit for Single-family Residential Activities in Isolated Wetlands
  61. § 62-330.476 - General Permit for Private Single-Family Residences Within Jupiter Farms, Palm Beach County
  62. § 62-330.477 - General Permit for Single Family Residential Lots Within the Indian Trail Water Control District
  63. § 62-330.483 - General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Conduct Minor Activities
  64. § 62-330.485 - General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement
  65. § 62-330.487 - General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Change Operating Schedules for Water Control Structures
  66. § 62-330.488 - General Permit to Governmental Entities for Certain Public Use Facilities at Public Natural Areas
  67. § 62-330.490 - General Permit for the Reclamation of Eligible Phosphate Lands Mined Before July 1, 1975
  68. § 62-330.491 - Noticed General Permit for Raising the Height of Existing Earthen Embankments for Impoundments at Facilities for Minining Sand and Limestone (Repealed)
  69. § 62-330.492 - General Permit for Prospecting for Limestone, Sand, and Peat
  70. § 62-330.493 - General Permit to Perform Prospecting Activities for Phosphate Minerals
  71. § 62-330.494 - General Permit for Temporary Dragline Crossings of Waterways
  72. § 62-330.495 - General Permit for Low Water Crossings for Mining Activities
  73. § 62-330.496 - General Permit for Dry Borrow Pits of Less than Five Acres (Repealed)
  74. § 62-330.500 - General Permit for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Minor Silvicultural Surface Water Management Systems (Repealed)
  75. § 62-330.501 - General Permit for Temporary Agricultural Activities within the South Florida Water Management District
  76. § 62-330.505 - General Permit to the U.S. Forest Service for Minor Works within National Forests
  77. § 62-330.550 - General Permit for Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Nonproduction-related Agricultural Facilities
  78. § 62-330.600 - General Permit for the Construction of Artificial Reefs
  79. § 62-330.602 - General Permit for Installation and Maintenance of Intake and Discharge Pipes Associated with Marine Bivalve Facilities (Repealed)
  80. § 62-330.603 - [Effective 10/7/2024] General Permit for Seagrass Restoration
  81. § 62-330.630 - General Permit to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement Activities
  82. § 62-330.631 - General Permit to Governmental Entities for Limited Environmental Restoration or Enhancement Activities
  83. § 62-330.632 - General Permit for the Restoration, Establishment and Enhancement of Low Profile Oyster Habitat
  84. § 62-330.635 - General Permit for Soil Remediation
  85. § 62-330.901 - Noticed General Permit Forms (Repealed)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.