1. § 10:69-3.1 - Establishing eligibility for AFDC-related Medicaid
  2. § 10:69-3.2 - Documentation and recording of program eligibility requirements
  3. § 10:69-3.3 - Sources of evidence regarding eligibility
  4. § 10:69-3.4 - Verification of income
  5. § 10:69-3.5 - Recording of documentation
  6. § 10:69-3.6 - Issuance of summons or subpoena
  7. § 10:69-3.7 - Eligible unit
  8. § 10:69-3.8 - Applicant and eligible unit AFDC-C and-F
  9. § 10:69-3.9 - AFDC-related Medicaid citizenship/eligibility requirements
  10. § 10:69-3.10 - Parent in AFDC-C and-F Medicaid segments
  11. § 10:69-3.11 - Parent-minor in AFDC-related Medicaid
  12. § 10:69-3.12 - Circumstances requiring special handling
  13. § 10:69-3.13 - Age requirements
  14. § 10:69-3.14 - Noneligible persons in the household
  15. § 10:69-3.15 - Deprivation of parental support or care (AFDC-C)
  16. § 10:69-3.16 - Continued absence of parent from the home
  17. § 10:69-3.17 - Work criteria; determination of principal earner
  18. § 10:69-3.18 - Residence requirements
  19. § 10:69-3.19 - Temporary absence from State
  20. § 10:69-3.20 - Management of out-of-State case records
  21. § 10:69-3.21 - Abandonment of State residence
  22. § 10:69-3.22 - Notice of termination
  23. § 10:69-3.23 - County residence for identification
  24. § 10:69-3.24 - Change of county residence
  25. § 10:69-3.25 - Verification of residence
  26. § 10:69-3.26 - Procedures governing release from State institutions
  27. § 10:69-3.27 - Release from a State institution
  28. § 10:69-3.28 - Temporary absence of a family member
  29. § 10:69-3.29 - Child or parent in an institution
  30. § 10:69-3.30 - Absence for reasons other than institutional
  31. § 10:69-3.31 - Legally responsible relatives (LRRs)
  32. § 10:69-3.32 - Support orders for legally responsible relatives
  33. § 10:69-3.33 - Reserved
  34. § 10:69-3.34 - Liquidation of all debts, claims, interests, settlements, and trust funds
  35. § 10:69-3.35 - Repayment
  36. § 10:69-3.36 - Action by CWA upon voluntary liquidation
  37. § 10:69-3.37 - Reserved
  38. § 10:69-3.38 - Strikers

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.