Title 415 - Retirement Systems, Department of

  1. Chapter 415-02 - General provisions
  2. Chapter 415-04 - Petition procedure (§ 415-04-010 to 415-04-050)
  3. Chapter 415-06 - Public records (§ 415-06-010 to 415-06-110)
  4. Chapter 415-08 - Appeals (§ 415-08-010 to 415-08-420)
  5. Chapter 415-10 - Purchase of service credit after statutory deadline RCW 41.50.165 (§ 415-10-010 to 415-10-100)
  6. Chapter 415-100 - Judicial retirement system (§ 415-100-005 to 415-100-190)
  7. Chapter 415-103 - Washington state patrol retirement system (WSPRS) (§ 415-103-010 to 415-103-300)
  8. Chapter 415-104 - Law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system (§ 415-104-005 to 415-104-090)
  9. Chapter 415-105 - Local disability board procedures
  10. Chapter 415-106 - Public safety employees' retirement system
  11. Chapter 415-108 - Public employees' retirement system
  12. Chapter 415-110 - School employees' retirement system
  13. Chapter 415-111 - Plan 3-Defined contribution plans
  14. Chapter 415-112 - Teachers' retirement system (§ 415-112-015 to 415-112-040)
  15. Chapter 415-113 - Portability of public employment benefits (§ 415-113-005)
  16. Chapter 415-114 - Assessment of interest charges on overdue receivables (§ 415-114-100 to 415-114-700)
  17. Chapter 415-115 - Assessment of an additional administrative fee (§ 415-115-010 to 415-115-120)
  18. Chapter 415-117 - COOPERATION OF EMPLOYERS IN ADMINISTRATION OF THE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS (§ 415-117-010 to 415-117-050)
  19. Chapter 415-200 - Employee retirement benefits board (§ 415-200-030 to 415-200-070)
  20. Chapter 415-501 - Deferred compensation plan
  21. Chapter 415-700 - Higher education retirement plan supplemental benefit fund (§ 415-700-010)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.