
agricultural lien

As established in UCC §9 102-5, an agricultural lien is a lien placed on farm products like farm equipment or livestock that secures payment or performance in exchange for a loan of land, goods, or money. These loans allow farmers to produce...


Agriculture refers to the acts of farming and raising livestock. Activities that fall within agriculture include soil preparation, seed planting, crop harvesting, gardening, viticulture (growing grapes), apiculture (bee-raising), dairying,...

Agriculture - State statutes

Alabama- Title 2 Alaska- Title 3 Arizona- Title 3 Arkansas- Title 2 California Colorado- Title 35 (searchable index) Connecticut- Title 22 Delaware- Title 3 Florida- Title 35 Georgia- Title 2 (searchable index) Hawaii- Title 11 or HRS Volume 3, section...

AI washing

AI washing occurs when companies claim to be using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to enhance their services, but in fact are not. In March of 2024, two investment advisors paid $400,000 in civil penalties “for making false and...

aid and abet

Aid and Abet means to assist someone in committing or to encourage someone to commit a crime. Generally, an aider and abettor is criminally liable to the same extent as the person committing the crime.

This case from...


Alcohol is a set of chemical compounds consumed as a liquid by individuals for its intoxicating effect or used in industrial projects for its other unique properties.

Absent any specific regulation, alcohol is treated like...

alcoholic beverages - state statutes

Alabama- Title 28 Alaska- Title 4 Arizona- Title 4 Arkansas- Title 3 California (see Division 10) Colorado- Article 12, Title 47 (searchable index) Connecticut- Title 30 Delaware- Title 4 District of Columbia- Title 25 Florida- Title 34...


An algorithm is a set of rules or a computational procedure that is typically used to solve a specific problem. In the case of Vidillion, Inc. v. Pixalate Inc. an algorithm is defined as “one or more process(es), set of rules, or methodology...


Alibi as a noun is defined as a defense to a criminal charge alleging that the accused was somewhere other than at the scene of the crime at the time it occurred.

For example, A could not confirm B’s alibi that B was at the dentist office at...

alibi witness

An alibi witness is a witness that a criminal defendant calls upon to establish that they were somewhere other than at the scene of the crime at the time it occurred. It essentially allows the defendant to present evidence suggesting that...
