45 CFR Subpart E - Subpart E—Evaluation Requirements
- § 2522.500 What is the purpose of this subpart?
- § 2522.510 To whom does this subpart apply?
- § 2522.520 What special terms are used in this subpart?
- § 2522.530 May I use the Corporation's program grant funds for performance measurement and evaluation?
- § 2522.540 Do the costs of performance measurement or evaluation count towards the statutory cap on administrative costs?
Performance Measures: Requirements and Procedures (§§ 2522.550 - 2522.650)
- § 2522.550 What basic requirements must I follow in measuring performance under my grant?
- § 2522.560 What are performance measures and performance measurement?
- § 2522.570 What information on performance measures must my grant application include?
- § 2522.580 What performance measures am I required to submit to the Corporation?
- § 2522.590 Who develops my performance measures?
- § 2522.600 Who approves my performance measures?
- § 2522.610 What is the difference in performance measurements requirements for competitive and formula programs?
- § 2522.620 How do I report my performance measures to the Corporation?
- § 2522.630 What must I do if I am not able to meet my performance measures?
- § 2522.640 Under what circumstances may I change my performance measures?
- § 2522.650 What happens if I fail to meet the performance measures included in my grant?
Evaluating Programs: Requirements and Procedures (§§ 2522.700 - 2522.820)
- § 2522.700 How does evaluation differ from performance measurement?
- § 2522.710 What are my evaluation requirements?
- § 2522.720 How many years must my evaluation cover?
- § 2522.730 How and when do I submit my evaluation to the Corporation?
- § 2522.740 How will the Corporation use my evaluation?
- § 2522.800 How will the Corporation evaluate individual AmeriCorps programs?
- § 2522.810 What will the Corporation do to evaluate the overall success of the AmeriCorps programs?
- § 2522.820 Will information on individual participants be kept confidential?