47 CFR Subpart B - Subpart B—Hearing Proceedings
General (§§ 1.201 - 1.211)
- § 1.201 Scope.
- § 1.202 Official reporter; transcript.
- § 1.203 The record.
- § 1.204 Pleadings; definition.
- § 1.205 Continuances and extensions.
- § 1.207 Interlocutory matters, reconsideration and review; cross references.
- § 1.209 Identification of responsible officer in caption to pleading.
- § 1.210 Electronic filing.
- § 1.211 Service.
Participants and Issues (§§ 1.221 - 1.229)
Prehearing Procedures (§§ 1.246 - 1.249)
Hearing and Intermediate Decision (§§ 1.250 - 1.267)
- § 1.250 Discovery and preservation of evidence; cross-reference.
- § 1.251 Summary decision.
- § 1.253 Time and place of hearing.
- § 1.254 Nature of the hearing proceeding; burden of proof.
- § 1.255 Order of procedure.
- §§ 1.258-1.260 [Reserved]
- § 1.261 Corrections to transcript.
- § 1.263 Proposed findings and conclusions.
- § 1.264 Contents of findings of fact and conclusions.
- § 1.265 Closing the record.
- § 1.267 Initial and recommended decisions.
Review Proceedings (§§ 1.271 - 1.282)
- § 1.271 Delegation of review function.
- § 1.273 Waiver of initial or recommended decision.
- § 1.274 Certification of the record to the Commission for decision when the Commission is not the presiding officer; presiding officer unavailability.
- § 1.276 Appeal and review of initial decision.
- § 1.277 Exceptions; oral arguments.
- § 1.279 Limitation of matters to be reviewed.
- § 1.282 Final decision of the Commission.
Interlocutory Actions in Hearing Proceedings (§§ 1.291 - 1.298)
Appeal and Reconsideration of Presiding Officer's Ruling (§§ 1.301 - 1.302)
The Discovery and Preservation of Evidence (§§ 1.311 - 1.325)
- § 1.311 General.
- § 1.313 Protective orders.
- § 1.314 Confidentiality of information produced or exchanged.
- § 1.315 Depositions upon oral examination—notice and preliminary procedure.
- § 1.316 [Reserved]
- § 1.318 The taking of depositions.
- § 1.319 Objections to the taking of depositions.
- § 1.321 Use of depositions in hearing proceedings.
- § 1.323 Interrogatories to parties.
- § 1.325 Discovery and production of documents and things for inspection, copying, or photographing.
Authority: Sections 1.311 through 1.325 are issued under secs. 4, 303, 409, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1082, 1096; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 409, 5 U.S.C. 552. -
Subpenas (§§ 1.331 - 1.340)
- § 1.331 Who may sign and issue.
- § 1.333 Requests for issuance of subpena.
- § 1.334 Motions to quash.
- § 1.335 Rulings.
- § 1.336 Service of subpenas.
- § 1.337 Return of service.
- § 1.338 Subpena forms.
- § 1.339 Witness fees.
- § 1.340 Attendance of witness; disobedience.
Authority: Sections 1.331 and 1.333 through 1.340 are issued under sec. 409, 48 Stat. 1096; 47 U.S.C. 409. -
Evidence (§§ 1.351 - 1.364)
- § 1.351 Rules of evidence.
- § 1.352 Cumulative evidence.
- § 1.353 Further evidence during hearing.
- § 1.354 Documents containing matter not material.
- § 1.355 Documents in foreign language.
- § 1.356 Copies of exhibits.
- § 1.357 Mechanical reproductions as evidence.
- § 1.358 Tariffs as evidence.
- § 1.359 Proof of official record; authentication of copy.
- § 1.360 Proof of lack of record.
- § 1.361 Other proof of official record.
- § 1.362 Production of statements.
- § 1.363 Introduction of statistical data.
- § 1.364 Testimony by speakerphone.
Hearings on a Written Record (§§ 1.370 - 1.377)
28 FR 12425, Nov. 22, 1963, unless otherwise noted.