9 CFR § 381.103 - Official poultry condemnation certificates; issuance and form.

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§ 381.103 Official poultry condemnation certificates; issuance and form.

Upon request by the operator of the establishment, the inspector in charge shall issue a poultry condemnation certificate (Form MP-514-1), showing the total number of poultry in the lot and the numbers condemned and the reasons for such condemnations.

The official poultry condemnation certificate authorized by this subpart is a paper certificate (Form MP-514-1), for signature by an inspector, bearing the legend

U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
poultry condemnation certificate
and the seal of the United States Department of Agriculture, with a certification that the poultry enumerated on the form were inspected and condemned for the listed causes in compliance with the regulations of the Department. A statement to the effect that certain figures on the certificate were derived from information supplied by plant management, and a signature line for an authorized plant official is also shown.