Chapter 3701-84 - Quality Standards for Providers of Health Care Service (HCS)
- § 3701-84-01 - General definitions
- § 3701-84-02 - Applicability of rules
- § 3701-84-03 - General provisions and prohibitions
- § 3701-84-04 - Health care service notification
- § 3701-84-05 - Compliance actions
- § 3701-84-06 - Inspections and audits
- § 3701-84-07 - Patient care policies
- § 3701-84-08 - General personnel and staffing requirements
- § 3701-84-09 - General service standards
- § 3701-84-10 - General building and site requirements
- § 3701-84-11 - General medical records requirements
- § 3701-84-12 - General quality assessment and performance improvement
- § 3701-84-13 - Complaints
- § 3701-84-14 - Variances; waivers
- § 3701-84-15 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-16 - Solid organ transplant service standards
- § 3701-84-17 - [Rescinded] Personnel and staffing
- § 3701-84-18 - [Rescinded] Facilities - solid organ transplant service
- § 3701-84-19 - [Rescinded] Safety standards - solid organ transplant service
- § 3701-84-20 - Patient selection criteria
- § 3701-84-21 - Utilization levels - solid organ transplant services
- § 3701-84-22 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-23 - Quality assessment. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-24 - Blood and bone marrow transplantation service standards
- § 3701-84-25 - Personnel/staffing - blood and bone marrow transplantation service
- § 3701-84-26 - Facilities/safety standards - blood and bone marrow transplantation service
- § 3701-84-27 - Patient selection/utilization - blood and bone marrow transplantation service
- § 3701-84-28 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-29 - Quality assessment. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-30 - General adult cardiac catheterization service standards
- § 3701-84-30.1 - Level I cardiac catheterization service standards
- § 3701-84-30.2 - Level II cardiac catheterization service standards
- § 3701-84-30.3 - Level III adult cardiac catheterization service standards
- § 3701-84-30.4 - Adult electrophysiology procedure rooms
- § 3701-84-31 - General personnel/staffing - adult cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-32 - General facilities, equipment, and supplies - adult cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-33 - Safety standards - adult cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-34 - Adult cardiac catheterization service performance measures
- § 3701-84-34.1 - Inspection and review of adult cardiac catheterization services
- § 3701-84-34.2 - Order to cease operations of an adult cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-35 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-36 - Open heart surgery service standards
- § 3701-84-37 - Personnel/staffing - open heart surgery service
- § 3701-84-38 - Facilities, equipment, and supplies - open heart surgery service
- § 3701-84-39 - Quality assessment and performance improvement - open heart surgery service
- § 3701-84-40 - Adult open heart surgery service performance measures
- § 3701-84-41 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-42 - [Rescinded] Obstetrics/newborn care services: general requirements
- § 3701-84-43 - [Rescinded] Obstetrics/newborn care services: written service plan
- § 3701-84-46 - [Rescinded] Level I obstetric care services: specific requirements (antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care)
- § 3701-84-50 - [Rescinded] Level I newborn care services specific requirements
- § 3701-84-51 - [Rescinded] Level II obstetric care services: specific requirements (antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care)
- § 3701-84-54 - [Rescinded] Level II newborn care services specific requirements
- § 3701-84-55 - [Rescinded] Level III obstetric care services: specific requirements (antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care)
- § 3701-84-59 - [Rescinded] Level III newborn care services specific requirements
- § 3701-84-60 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-61 - Pediatric intensive care service standards
- § 3701-84-62 - Personnel and staffing standards - pediatric intensive care service
- § 3701-84-63 - Physical design and facilities - pediatric intensive care service
- § 3701-84-64 - Equipment and supplies - pediatric intensive care service
- § 3701-84-65 - Quality assessment and performance improvement program - pediatric intensive care service
- § 3701-84-66 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-67 - Radiation therapy, stereotactic radiosurgery, and stereotactic radiotherapy service standards
- § 3701-84-68 - [Rescinded] Personnel/staffing - radiation therapy and stereostatic radiosurgery service
- § 3701-84-69 - [Rescinded] Facilities, equipment, and supplies - radiation therapy and stereostatic radiosurgery service
- § 3701-84-70 - [Rescinded] Treatment standards - radiation therapy and stereostatic radiosurgery service
- § 3701-84-71 - [Rescinded] Radiation safety standards - radiation therapy and stereostatic radiosurgery service
- § 3701-84-72 - [Rescinded] Quality assessment and performance improvement program - radiation therapy and stereostatic radiosurgery service
- § 3701-84-73 - [Rescinded] Medical record - radiation therapy and radiostatic surgery service
- § 3701-84-74 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
- § 3701-84-75 - Pediatric cardiac catheterization service standards
- § 3701-84-76 - Personnel/staffing - pediatric cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-77 - Facilities, equipment, and supplies - pediatric cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-78 - Safety standards - pediatric cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-79 - Pediatric cardiac catheterization service - performance measures
- § 3701-84-80 - Quality assessment and performance improvement - pediatric cardiac catheterization service
- § 3701-84-81 - Pediatric cardiovascular surgery service standards
- § 3701-84-82 - Personnel/staffing - pediatric cardiovascular surgery service
- § 3701-84-83 - Facilities, equipment, and supplies - pediatric cardiovascular surgery service
- § 3701-84-84 - Pediatric cardiovascular surgery service - performance measures
- § 3701-84-85 - Quality assessment and performance improvement - pediatric cardiovascular surgery service
- § 3701-84-86 - Data collection. [Rescinded]
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.