For purposes of this subsection, the term “pre-credit tentative minimum tax” means the amount determined under the first sentence of section 55(b)(1)(A).
In the case of any estate or trust, the alternative minimum taxable income of such estate or trust and any beneficiary thereof shall be determined by applying part I of subchapter J with the adjustments provided in this part.
In the case of a regulated investment company to which part I of subchapter M applies or a real estate investment company to which part II of subchapter M applies, between such company or trust and shareholders and holders of beneficial interest in such company or trust.
In the case of a common trust fund (as defined in section 584(a)), pro rata among the participants of such fund.
For purposes of this title, any qualified expenditure to which an election under this paragraph applies shall be allowed as a deduction ratably over the 10-year period (3-year period in the case of circulation expenditures described in section 173) beginning with the taxable year in which such expenditure was made (or, in the case of a qualified expenditure described in paragraph (2)(C), over the 60-month period beginning with the month in which such expenditure was paid or incurred).
Except as provided in this subsection, no deduction shall be allowed under any other section for any qualified expenditure to which an election under this subsection applies.
An election may be made under paragraph (1) with respect to any portion of any qualified expenditure.
Any election under this subsection may be revoked only with the consent of the Secretary.
In the case of a partnership, any election under paragraph (1) shall be made separately by each partner with respect to the partner’s allocable share of any qualified expenditure. A similar rule shall apply in the case of an S corporation and its shareholders.
In the case of any disposition of property to which section 1254 applies (determined without regard to this section), any deduction under paragraph (1) with respect to amounts which are allocable to such property shall, for purposes of section 1254, be treated as a deduction allowable under section 263(c), 616(a), or 617(a), whichever is appropriate.
In the case of any disposition of mining property to which section 617(d) applies (determined without regard to this subsection), any deduction under paragraph (1) with respect to amounts which are allocable to such property shall, for purposes of section 617(d), be treated as a deduction allowable under section 617(a).
The Secretary may prescribe regulations under which differently treated items shall be properly adjusted where the tax treatment giving rise to such items will not result in the reduction of the taxpayer’s regular tax for the taxable year for which the item is taken into account or for any other taxable year.
The limitations of sections 704(d), 465, and 1366(d) (and such other provisions as may be specified in regulations) shall be applied for purposes of computing the alternative minimum taxable income of the taxpayer for the taxable year with the adjustments of sections 56, 57, and 58.
For purposes of this subtitle (other than this part), any amount shall not fail to be treated as wholly exempt from tax imposed by this subtitle solely by reason of being included in alternative minimum taxable income.
Solely for purposes of determining whether a corporation is an applicable corporation under this paragraph, all adjusted financial statement income of persons treated as a single employer with such corporation under subsection (a) or (b) of section 52 shall be treated as adjusted financial statement income of such corporation, and adjusted financial statement income of such corporation shall be determined without regard to paragraphs (2)(D)(i) and (11) of section 56A(c).
If the corporation was in existence for less than 3-taxable years, subparagraph (B) shall be applied on the basis of the period during which such corporation was in existence.
If a corporation is a member of a foreign-parented multinational group for any taxable year, then, solely for purposes of determining whether such corporation meets the average annual adjusted financial statement income test under paragraph (1)(B)(ii)(I) for such taxable year, the adjusted financial statement income of such corporation for such taxable year shall include the adjusted financial statement income of all members of such group. Solely for purposes of this subparagraph, adjusted financial statement income shall be determined without regard to paragraphs (2)(D)(i), (3), (4), and (11) of section 56A(c).
For purposes of this paragraph, if a foreign corporation is engaged in a trade or business within the United States, such trade or business shall be treated as a separate domestic corporation that is wholly owned by the foreign corporation.
’(B) [1] addressing the application of this subsection to a corporation that experiences a change in ownership.
For any taxable year for which an applicable corporation chooses to have the benefits of subpart A of part III of subchapter N, the excess of the amount described in paragraph (1)(A)(i) over the amount described in paragraph (1)(A)(ii) shall increase the amount described in paragraph (1)(A)(i) in any of the first 5 succeeding taxable years to the extent not taken into account in a prior taxable year.