1. § 49.1 Scope.
  2. § 49.2 Definitions.
  3. § 49.3 Procedures for registration.
  4. § 49.4 Withdrawal from registration.
  5. § 49.5 Equity interest transfers.
  6. § 49.6 Request for transfer of registration.
  7. § 49.7 Swap data repositories located in foreign jurisdictions.
  8. § 49.8 Procedures for implementing swap data repository rules.
  9. § 49.9 Open swaps reports provided to the Commission.
  10. § 49.10 Acceptance and validation of data.
  11. § 49.11 Verification of swap data accuracy.
  12. § 49.12 Swap data repository recordkeeping requirements.
  13. § 49.13 Monitoring, screening and analyzing swap data.
  14. § 49.14 Monitoring, screening and analyzing end-user clearing exemption claims by individual and affiliated entities.
  15. § 49.15 Real-time public reporting by swap data repositories.
  16. § 49.16 Privacy and confidentiality requirements of swap data repositories.
  17. § 49.17 Access to SDR data.
  18. § 49.18 Confidentiality arrangement.
  19. § 49.19 Core principles applicable to swap data repositories.
  20. § 49.20 Governance arrangements (Core Principle 2).
  21. § 49.21 Conflicts of interest (Core Principle 3).
  22. § 49.22 Chief compliance officer.
  23. § 49.23 Emergency authority policies and procedures.
  24. § 49.24 System safeguards.
  25. § 49.25 Financial resources.
  26. § 49.26 Disclosure requirements of swap data repositories.
  27. § 49.27 Access and fees.
  28. § 49.28 Operating hours of swap data repositories.
  29. § 49.29 Information relating to swap data repository compliance.
  30. § 49.30 Form and manner of reporting and submitting information to the Commission.
  31. § 49.31 Delegation of authority to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight relating to certain part 49 matters.
  32. Appendix A to Part 49—Form SDR
  33. Appendix B to Part 49—Confidentiality Arrangement for Appropriate Domestic Regulators and Appropriate Foreign Regulators to Obtain Access to Swap Data Maintained by Swap Data Respositories Pursuant to §§ 49.17(d)(6) and 49.18(a)
7 U.S.C. 1a, 2(a), 6r, 12a, and 24a, as amended by Title VII of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, Pub. L. 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376 (Jul. 21, 2010), unless otherwise noted.
76 FR 54575, Sept. 1, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
Editorial Note:
Nomenclature changes to part 49 appear at 85 FR 75672, Nov. 25, 2020.