33 CFR Subpart A - Subpart A—Implementation of MARPOL 73/78 and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty as it Pertains to Pollution from Ships
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Oil Pollution (§§ 151.09 - 151.29)
- § 151.09 Applicability.
- § 151.10 Control of oil discharges.
- § 151.11 Exceptions for emergencies.
- § 151.13 Special areas for Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.
- § 151.15 Reporting requirements.
- § 151.17 Surveys.
- § 151.19 International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificates.
- § 151.21 Ships of countries not party to MARPOL 73/78.
- § 151.23 Inspection for compliance and enforcement.
- § 151.25 Oil Record Book.
- § 151.26 Shipboard oil pollution emergency plans.
- § 151.27 Plan submission and approval.
- § 151.28 Plan review and revision.
- § 151.29 Foreign ships.
Source: Sections 151.09 through 151.25 appear by CGD 75–124a, 48 FR 45709, Oct. 6, 1983, unless otherwise noted. -
Noxious Liquid Substance Pollution (§§ 151.30 - 151.49)
- § 151.30 Applicability.
- § 151.31 Where to find requirements applying to oceangoing ships carrying Category A, B, C, and D NLS.
- § 151.32 Special areas for the purpose of Annex II.
- § 151.33 Certificates needed to carry Category C Oil-like NLS.
- § 151.35 Certificates needed to carry Category D NLS and Category D Oil-like NLS.
- § 151.37 Obtaining an Attachment for NLSs to the IOPP Certificate and obtaining an NLS Certificate.
- § 151.39 Operating requirements: Category D NLS.
- § 151.41 Operating requirements for oceangoing ships with IOPP Certificates: Category C and D Oil-like NLSs.
- § 151.43 Control of discharge of NLS residues.
- § 151.47 Category D NLSs other than oil-like Category D NLSs that may be carried under this part.
- § 151.49 Category C and D Oil-like NLSs allowed for carriage.
Source: Sections 151.30 through 151.49 appear by CGD 85–010, 52 FR 7759, Mar. 12, 1987, unless otherwise noted. -
Garbage Pollution and Sewage (§§ 151.51 - 151.79)
- § 151.51 Applicability.
- § 151.53 Special areas for Annex V of MARPOL 73/78.
- § 151.55 Recordkeeping requirements.
- § 151.57 Garbage management plans.
- § 151.59 Placards.
- § 151.61 Inspection for compliance and enforcement.
- § 151.63 Shipboard control of garbage.
- § 151.65 Reporting requirements.
- § 151.66 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage in the Great Lakes and other navigable waters.
- § 151.67 Operating requirements: Discharge of plastic prohibited.
- § 151.69 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage outside special areas.
- § 151.71 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage within special areas.
- § 151.73 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage from fixed or floating platforms.
- § 151.75 Grinders or comminuters.
- § 151.77 Exceptions for emergencies and health risks.
- § 151.79 Operating requirements: Discharge of sewage within Antarctica.
Source: Sections 151.51 through 151.77 and Appendix A appear by CGD 88–002, 54 FR 18405, Apr. 28, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
33 U.S.C. 1321, 1903, 1908; 46 U.S.C. 6101; Pub. L. 104–227 (110 Stat. 3034); E.O. 12777, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp. p. 351; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 170.1.
CGD 75–124a, 48 FR 45709, Oct. 6, 1983, unless otherwise noted.