PTOA: Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules | Statutes at Large | 104 Stat.

This list is taken from the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules provided by GPO [Government Printing Office] It is not guaranteed to be accurate or up-to-date, though we do refresh the database weekly. More limitations on accuracy are described at the GPO site.

PToA table: statl
Page CFR Title Parts
143 25 67
515 46 31, 32,
520 33 157
831 45 233
890 5 2634
890 6 27
890 8 270, 274a, 280, 1270, 1280,
890 14 383
890 28 22, 25, 68, 71, 76, 85,
890 31 535, 536, 540,
890 33 27
890 40 19
925 45 233
963 17 402, 403, 405,
1380 14 1204
1388-328 5 831
1388 5 842, 1605, 1620,
1462 43 38
1860 32 240
2064 5 870, 890,
2814 13 130
2838 2 417
2871 29 541
2943 15 280
3289 43 418, 419,
3294 43 419
4051 7 1786
4878 22 89
4978 20 655
5027 20 655