Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 69W-600.002 - [Effective 10/1/2024] Application for Registration as Associated Person (FINRA Dealer)

(1) New Applications.
(a) Applicants for initial registration as a principal or associated person of dealers who are members of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) shall file the Uniform Application for Securities Industry Registration or Transfer (Form U4) electronically through the Central Registration Depository (CRD) of FINRA as prescribed by the Financial Services Commission (Commission). The application shall include all information required by such form, any other information the Office of Financial Regulation (Office) may require, and payment of the statutory fees required by Section 517.12(9), F.S. The application shall be deemed received by the Office on the date designated in the "Status Date" field on the line notated "FL" with a "Registration Status" of "pending" as indicated on the CRD "Registrations with Current Employers" screen. Every application or amendment filed pursuant to this rule shall constitute a "written application" within the meaning of Section 517.12(5), F.S.
(b) An application shall include the following:
1. Form U4 (05/2009). A sample form is hereby incorporated by reference and available at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-12556.
2. Statutory fee, for each application, in the amount as required by Section 517.12(9), F.S.
3. Persons requesting a fee waiver as set forth in Section 517.12(9), F.S., shall submit Office of Financial Regulation Active Military Member/Veteran/Spouse Fee Waiver and Military Service Verification, Form OFR-MIL-001, effective 10/2024. A sample form is hereby incorporated by reference and available at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-17050 or from the Office at https://flofr.gov/sitePages/MaterialsDS.htm. Form OFR-MIL-001 shall be submitted within one hundred eighty (180) days after receipt of the application.
4. Evidence of examinations/qualifications set forth in subsection (6) of this rule.
5. Fingerprints shall be submitted in accordance with Section 517.12(6), F.S., and subsection (7) of this rule.
(2) Request for Additional Information. All information required by subsection (1) of this rule, shall be submitted with the original application filing. Any request for additional documents or information shall be made by the Office within thirty (30) days after receipt of the application. Additional information shall be submitted directly with the Office within sixty (60) days after a request has been made by the Office. The Office shall grant a request for an additional thirty (30) days to submit the additional information. The Office shall not grant a request after the original sixty (60) day deadline has passed. Failure to provide timely all additional information shall result in the application being deemed abandoned, which shall result in the application being removed from further consideration by the Office and closed.
(3) Amendment of Application. If the information contained in any Form U4 becomes inaccurate for any reason before or after the associated person becomes registered, the associated person through the dealer, shall be responsible for correcting the inaccurate information within thirty (30) days. If the information being updated relates to the applicant's or registrant's disciplinary history, in addition to updating the Form U4, the associated person through the dealer shall also provide the Office with notice and copies of each civil, criminal or administrative action initiated against the associated person as provided in subsection (10) of this rule. Associated persons of FINRA member firms shall file such amendments through the CRD system.
(4) Multiple Registration. An applicant for registration as an associated person may apply to be registered as an associated person of more than one dealer, federal covered adviser or investment adviser, or any combination thereof, by the filing of separate applications by each registered dealer, federal covered adviser or investment adviser, and payment of separate application fees as required.
(5) Alternate Business Name.
(a) It is prohibited for any associated person to conduct securities business in this state under any name other than that of the dealer with which associated person is registered unless each of the following conditions is met:
1. The business conducted does not violate or evade any provision of Chapter 517, F.S.;
2. The business conducted does not fall within the definition of "dealer" or "investment adviser" as used in Chapter 517, F.S.; and,
3. The dealer with which the associated person is registered has received written notice of the name under which business shall be conducted.
(6) Examinations/Qualifications.
(a) Every applicant for registration shall execute and submit a statement attesting to said applicant's knowledge and review of the Florida Securities and Investor Protection Act, as contained in the Form U4.
(b) Every applicant for initial registration as a principal or agent of a dealer shall evidence securities general knowledge by:
1. Submitting to the Office proof of passing, within two years of the date of application for registration, an examination relating to the position to be filled administered by a national securities exchange registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); or
2. Submitting to the Office evidence of effective registration, within the preceding two years, with a national securities association or national stock exchange registered with the SEC, relating to the position to be filled as principal or agent; or
3. Having remained continuously registered in the capacity to be filled with the State of Florida without interruption of more than two years; or
4. Submitting to the Office proof of passing, within two years of the date of application for registration, an examination relating to the position to be filled administered by a national securities association and proof of passing, within four years of the date of application for registration, the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Examination. The following individuals will be considered to have passed the SIE Examination:
a. Individuals whose registration as an associated person was terminated between October 1, 2014, and September 30, 2018, provided they re-register as an associated person within four years from the date of their last registration;
b. Individuals who registered as an associated person prior to October 1, 2018, and who continue to maintain those registrations on or after October 1, 2018; or
5. Submitting to the Office proof of participation in the FINRA Maintaining Qualification Program (MQP) as set forth in FINRA Rule 1240(c), which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69W-200.002, F.A.C., and maintenance of the validity of the examinations relating to the position to be filled administered by a national securities association to be demonstrated by meeting the conditions of participation in the MQP. Participation in the MQP shall not extend the validity period for the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination (Series 65) or the Uniform Combined State Law Examination (Series 66) for purposes of associated person of an investment adviser or federal covered adviser registration.
(7) Fingerprint Requirements.
(a) Fingerprints filed in accordance with Section 517.12(6), F.S., shall be submitted to the Office through a live scan vendor approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and published on FDLE's website for submission to FDLE and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a state criminal background check and a federal criminal background check. The cost of fingerprint processing shall be borne by the applicant and paid directly to the live scan vendor.
(b) The requirement to submit fingerprints is waived for those associated persons pending registration in Florida with a FINRA member firm and such fingerprints have been submitted and processed by FINRA on behalf of the member firm with which said associated person is pending registration, pursuant to the provisions of SEC rule 17f-2 (17 C.F.R. § 240.17f-2), which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69W-200.002, F.A.C.
(8) Renewal Requirement.
(a) Renewal fees for associated persons of FINRA member firms shall be submitted by the firm through the CRD by December 31 of the year the registration expires as required by Section 517.12(10), F.S.
(b) For associated persons of FINRA members, failure of the firm to submit the requisite amount of fees by December 31 of the year of expiration of the registration shall result in such registration not being renewed. If December 31 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday pursuant to Section 110.117, F.S., the renewals received on the next business day shall be considered timely received. However, an expired registration may be reinstated in accordance with the provisions of Section 517.12(10), F.S., provided that all requisite information and fees are date stamped by the cashier's office of the Department of Financial Services on or before January 31 of the year following the year of expiration. Failure to submit the requisite amount of fees necessary to reinstate registration by January 31 of the year following the year of expiration shall result in such registration not being reinstated. If January 31 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday pursuant to Section 110.117, F.S., the reinstatement received on the next business day shall be considered timely received. In the event that the renewal or reinstatement is withdrawn or not granted, any fees filed to renew or reinstate registration shall become the revenue of the state pursuant to Section 517.12(9), F.S., and shall not be returnable.
(c) Persons requesting a fee waiver as set forth in Section 517.12(10) F.S., shall submit Office of Financial Regulation Active Military Member/Veteran/Spouse Fee Waiver and Military Service Verification, Form OFR-MIL-001, effective 10/2024. A sample form is hereby incorporated by reference and available at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-17050 or from the Office at https://flofr.gov/sitePages/MaterialsDS.htm. Form OFR-MIL-001 shall be submitted within one hundred eighty (180) days after receipt of the renewal fees.
(9) Termination of Registration of Principal or Agent.
(a) Where a registrant withdraws, cancels, or otherwise terminates registration, or is terminated for any reason, notice of such fact shall be filed with the Office within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of termination by electronically filing a Uniform Termination Notice for Securities Industry Registration (Form U5) (05/2009) with the Office through the CRD. A sample form is hereby incorporated by reference and is available at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-12564.
(b) The Office may deny any request to terminate or withdraw any application or registration as provided under Section 517.161(5), F.S.
(10) Notice of Civil, Criminal or Administrative Action. An associated person shall:
(a) Notify the Office within thirty (30) calendar days of the date a complaint is served, of any civil, criminal or administrative charges filed that directly or indirectly relate to the registration or sale of securities, or which directly or indirectly relate to activities as a principal or agent, or any other activity where a breach of a fiduciary trust is alleged. This shall not include minor traffic violations; but shall include any notification of investigation by any recognized regulatory agency; and,
(b) Notify the Office within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of decision, order, or sanction rendered, or any appeal filed with respect to such decision with regard to any complaint outlined in paragraph (10)(a).
(c) Such notifications shall be filed with the Office through the CRD of the FINRA in accordance with subsection (3) of this rule. When specifically requested by the Office, one (1) copy of such complaint, answer or reply to any complaint, decision, order, or sanction shall be filed directly with the Office. Responses to requests by the Office for additional information shall be filed directly with the Office.
(11) Continuing Education Requirement. Failure to comply with any of the applicable continuing education requirements set forth in any one of the following shall be deemed a violation by an associated person under Section 517.161(1)(a), F.S.:
(a) FINRA Rule 1240, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69W-200.002, F.A.C.;
(b) Rule 345A of the NYSE MKT LLC, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69W-200.002, F.A.C.;
(c) Rule G-3(i) of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69W-200.002, F.A.C.;
(d) Rule 341A of NYSE MKT LLC, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69W-200.002, F.A.C.;
(e) NYSE Chicago, Inc. Article 6, Rule 11, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69W-200.002, F.A.C.


Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 69W-600.002

Rulemaking Authority 517.03(1), 517.12, 517.121(1) FS. Law Implemented 517.12 FS.

New 9-20-82, Formerly 3E-301.02, Amended 10-15-86, 10-4-88, 6-24-90, 7-29-90, 10-14-90, 8-1-91, 6-16-92, 6-28-93, 11-14-93, 3-13-94, 4-30-96, 12-29-96, 6-22-98, 5-10-00, 9-19-00, 7-31-02, 12-11-03, Formerly 3E-600.002, Amended 3-16-06, 5-15-07, 12-24-07, 12-25-08, 11-22-10, 5-29-12, 11-11-13, Amended by Florida Register Volume 41, Number 241, December 15, 2015 effective 12/29/2015, Amended by Florida Register Volume 44, Number 177, September 11, 2018 effective 9/25/2018, Amended by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 221, November 13, 2019 effective 11/26/2019, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 002, January 5, 2021 effective 1/18/2021, Amended by Florida Register Volume 49, Number 020, January 31, 2023 effective 2/14/2023, Amended by Florida Register Volume 50, Number 045, March 5, 2024 effective 3/21/2024, Amended by Florida Register Volume 50, Number 182, September 17, 2024 effective 10/1/2024.

New 9-20-82, Formerly 3E-301.02, Amended 10-15-86, 10-4-88, 6-24-90, 7-29-90, 10-14-90, 8-1-91, 6-16-92, 6-28-93, 11-14-93, 3-13-94, 4-30-96, 12-29-96, 6-22-98, 5-10-00, 9-19-00, 7-31-02, 12-11-03, Formerly 3E-600.002, Amended 3-16-06, 5-15-07, 12-24-07, 12-25-08, 11-22-10, 5-29-12, 11-11-13, 12-29-15, 9-25-18, 11-26-19, 1-18-21, 2-14-23, 3-21-24.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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