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international law


An ambassador is the highest-ranking diplomatic officer, designated by the government as its resident representative in a foreign state or before an international organization. The primary duties of ambassadors are to maintain diplomatic relations with the receiving state and promote foreign policy strategies through international organizations.

armed conflict

Armed conflicts are contextualized into two different categories: international armed conflicts and domestic armed conflicts. International armed conflicts occur when there is conflict between two or more states. Domestic armed conflicts occur when there is conflict between a state and one or more non-state armed groups or among non-state armed groups.

Arms Export Control Act (1976)

The Arms Export Control Act authorizes the President to control the import and export of defense articles and services. If the President chooses, they can issue a license to an individual or organization that wishes to export defense articles or services. Otherwise, exportation of these items is not permitted. Decisions on whether to issue an export license for the defense

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