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unfair competition

collusive bidding

Collusive bidding refers to an agreement among two or more competitors to change the bids they otherwise would have offered absent the agreement. Where collusive bidding is well established, prices can rise substantially, in some cases by as much as several hundred percent.


Disgorgement is a remedy requiring a party who profits from illegal or wrongful acts to give up any profits they made as a result of that illegal or wrongful conduct. The purpose of this remedy is to prevent unjust enrichment and make illegal conduct unprofitable.

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economic espionage

Economic espionage is the unlawful or clandestine targeting or acquisition of sensitive financial, trade or economic policy information; proprietary economic information; or technological information.

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Espionage is the crime of spying or secretly watching a person, company, government, etc. for the purpose of gathering secret information or detecting wrongdoing, and to transfer such information to another organization or state.

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