47 CFR Subpart A - Subpart A—Organization
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Office of Managing Director (§ 0.11)
Office of Inspector General (§ 0.13)
Office of Media Relations (§ 0.15)
Office of Legislative Affairs (§§ 0.17 - 0.19)
Office of Economics and Analytics (§ 0.21)
Office of Engineering and Technology (§ 0.31)
Office of General Counsel (§ 0.41)
International Bureau (§ 0.51)
Media Bureau (§ 0.61)
Office of Workplace Diversity (§ 0.81)
Wireline Competition Bureau (§ 0.91)
Office of Communications Business Opportunities (§ 0.101)
Enforcement Bureau (§§ 0.111 - 0.121)
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (§ 0.131)
Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (§ 0.141)
Office of Administrative Law Judges (§ 0.151)
Homeland Security, Defense and Emergency Preparedness Functions (§§ 0.181 - 0.186)
Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (§§ 0.191 - 0.192)