40 CFR Subpart CCCC - Subpart CCCC—Standards of Performance for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units
Introduction (§§ 60.2000 - 60.2005)
Applicability (§§ 60.2010 - 60.2040)
- § 60.2010 Does this subpart apply to my incineration unit?
- § 60.2015 What is a new incineration unit?
- § 60.2020 What combustion units are exempt from this subpart?
- § 60.2030 Who implements and enforces this subpart?
- § 60.2035 How are these new source performance standards structured?
- § 60.2040 Do all eleven components of these new source performance standards apply at the same time?
Preconstruction Siting Analysis (§§ 60.2045 - 60.2050)
Waste Management Plan (§§ 60.2055 - 60.2065)
Operator Training and Qualification (§§ 60.2070 - 60.2100)
- § 60.2070 What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
- § 60.2075 When must the operator training course be completed?
- § 60.2080 How do I obtain my operator qualification?
- § 60.2085 How do I maintain my operator qualification?
- § 60.2090 How do I renew my lapsed operator qualification?
- § 60.2095 What site-specific documentation is required?
- § 60.2100 What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible?
Emission Limitations and Operating Limits (§§ 60.2105 - 60.2115)
- § 60.2105 What emission limitations must I meet and by when?
- § 60.2110 What operating limits must I meet and by when?
- § 60.2115 What if I do not use a wet scrubber, fabric filter, activated carbon injection, selective noncatalytic reduction, an electrostatic precipitator, or a dry scrubber to comply with the emission limitations?
Performance Testing (§§ 60.2125 - 60.2130)
Initial Compliance Requirements (§§ 60.2135 - 60.2141)
Continuous Compliance Requirements (§§ 60.2145 - 60.2160)
- § 60.2145 How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the emission limitations and the operating limits?
- § 60.2150 By what date must I conduct the annual performance test?
- § 60.2151 By what date must I conduct the annual air pollution control device inspection?
- § 60.2155 May I conduct performance testing less often?
- § 60.2160 May I conduct a repeat performance test to establish new operating limits?
Recordkeeping and Reporting (§§ 60.2175 - 60.2240)
- § 60.2175 What records must I keep?
- § 60.2180 Where and in what format must I keep my records?
- § 60.2185 What reports must I submit?
- § 60.2190 What must I submit prior to commencing construction?
- § 60.2195 What information must I submit prior to initial startup?
- § 60.2200 What information must I submit following my initial performance test?
- § 60.2205 When must I submit my annual report?
- § 60.2210 What information must I include in my annual report?
- § 60.2215 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the operating limits or the emission limitations?
- § 60.2220 What must I include in the deviation report?
- § 60.2225 What else must I report if I have a deviation from the requirement to have a qualified operator accessible?
- § 60.2230 Are there any other notifications or reports that I must submit?
- § 60.2235 In what form can I submit my reports?
- § 60.2240 Can reporting dates be changed?
Title V Operating Permits (§ 60.2242)
Air Curtain Incinerators (ACIs) (§§ 60.2245 - 60.2260)
Definitions (§ 60.2265)
- Table 1 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Emission Limitations for Incinerators for Which Construction is Commenced After November 30, 1999, But no Later Than June 4, 2010, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced on or After June 1, 2001, But no Later Than August 7, 2013
- Table 2 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Operating Limits for Wet Scrubbers
- Table 3 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Toxic Equivalency Factors
- Table 4 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Summary of Reporting Requirements 1
- Table 5 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Emission Limitations for Incinerators That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, or That Commenced Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
- Table 6 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Emission Limitations for Energy Recovery Units That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, or That Commenced Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
- Table 7 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Emission Limitations for Waste-Burning Kilns That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, or Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
- Table 8 to Subpart CCCC of Part 60—Emission Limitations for Small, Remote Incinerators That Commenced Construction After June 4, 2010, or That Commenced Reconstruction or Modification After August 7, 2013
84 FR 15853, Apr. 16, 2019, unless otherwise noted.