alternative dispute resolution - state statutes
antitrust laws
The three key federal statutes in Antitrust Law are Sherman Act Section 1, Sherman Act Section 2, and the Clayton Act.
The Per Se Rule v. the Rule of Reason:Violations under the Sherman Act take one of two forms -- either...
Approach refers to moving toward the bench, a witness, or the jury box in court. An attorney may approach the bench in order to have a conversation with the judge and opposing counsel off the record and/or out of the jury's earshot. An...
Armed Career Criminal Act (1984)
The Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) of 1984 imposes a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison for anyone with at least 3 previous violent felony or serious drug offense convictions who illegally possesses a firearm. Like other “three strikes...
An arrest is the use of legal authority to deprive a person of their freedom of movement.
An arrest is generally made with an arrest warrant. An arrest may be made without a warrant if probable cause and exigent...
bill of attainder
A bill of attainder is a piece of legislation that declares a party is guilty of a crime. Bills of attainder allow the government to punish a party for a perceived crime without first going through the trial process.
In the...
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA) was enacted by the 107th Congress, 2nd Session and signed into law by President Bush on March 27, 2002 to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. The BCRA is also known as the McCain-...
blue law
Blue law is a colloquial term for state statute or ordinance that forbids or regulates entertainment and commercial activities (ex. sale of liquor) on Sundays or religious holidays. Blue laws can also be referred to as Sunday closing laws,...
bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
A bona fide occupational qualification or BFOQ is an affirmative defense to discrimination prima facie. Bona fide occupational qualifications can be made for national origin, religion, and sex.
42 U.S. Code § 2000e-2 allows...